Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Vilsack's Visit

Last week, I also had the opportunity to see Governor Vilsack and his lovely wife, Christie, in person as they made the rounds of New Hampshire. Speaking to a group of Middle School students, both the Governor and his wife were warm and approachable. I was as impressed with his ability to speak clearly and intelligently to these students as I was by the level of their questions. They covered many of the same topics an adult audience would have, and at one point asked him what he “could do better than President Bush.” He faltered a bit, I think surprised at the frankness of the question, and covered several topics in his response. His discussion of energy policy is what I was most interested in however.

“With global warming,” he began, “it’s really, really important to have an aggressive, large effort on climate change.” One of the few executives in the race for president, he related some of his talking points to progress they have made in Iowa. Iowa produces a lot of renewable fuel, primarily ethanol, and he stressed the importance to expanding those efforts all over America. His view on energy policy is inclusive, and a way forward for him stresses the environment, the economy and security. As part of a national energy plan, he would ask America to use less energy in their homes, buildings, and cars, and push companies and industry to use and develop new technology. Second, he believes we can use traditional power better by using less carbon producing energy and paying a cost associated with carbon production. He returned to ethanol, describing its virtues, among them: “you don’t have to buy it from foreign countries so it’s better for the environment and security.”

Tom and Christie Vilsack don’t just talk the talk- they own a hybrid car and received the purchase of enough carbon credits to offset their travels on the campaign trail as a Christmas gift from their son.

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